MacPhee Wins, Dwan Continues to Profit
Published on 2010-03-07 22:36:00
945 players took part in this year's EPT Berlin event, which ended up creating a total prize pool of nearly 5 million Euros.
The EPT Berlin was marred by an armed robbery on Day 4 that resulted in the tournament being halted for a number of hours. The remaining players in the tournament managed to shake off the jitters and complete the event earlier today.
Kevin "ImaLucksac" MacPhee managed to walk away with the million Euro first place prize, while Ilari Tahkokallio of Finland finished in second for 600k Euros.
MacPhee had about a 2-1 chip advantage when the final hand of the tournament took place.
The two players got their stacks into the middle after a flop of 4h-5c-2c. They turned up:
MacPhee: 3s-4s
Tahkokallio: 9h-6h
MacPhee had a pair and a straight draw, while Tahkokallio had a gutshot straight draw and an over card.
The turn brought the Jh, giving Tahkokallio some additional outs.
The river brought the 6s, giving MacPhee the straight and the victory.
Here is how the final table finished out on Sunday:
1. Kevin MacPhee, 1 million Euros
2. Ilari Tahkokallio, 600k Euros
3. Marc Inizan, 350k Euros
4. Artur Wasek, 280k Euros
5. Ketul Nathwani, 210k Euros
6. Marcel Koller, 165k Euros
7. Marko Neumann, 120k Euros
8. Nico Behling, 72k Euros
All in all, another very successful EPT event that was overshadowed by what transpired on Saturday.
2. "durrrr" Dominates.
According to, "durrrr" went off on Full Tilt Poker yesterday to the tune of $1.34 million over a 24 hour period (5k+ tracked hands).
A number of players took hits to their bankrolls as a result of Dwan's onslaught, with "PixKim" suffering a hit of nearly $1 million (-$987k).
The most notable hand of Dwan's session came when he got into a three-way all-in pot with Patrik Antonius and "PixKim".
The three players got into a raising war pre-flop and were soon all-in. They turned up:
"durrrr" - 10h-Ah-Ac-10d
Antonius - 4s-4c-Kc-Ks
"PixKim" - As-Kh-Ad-4d
The flop came 9d-3c-Qc, giving Antonius a club flush draw.
The turn brought the 3s.
The river brought the 10s, giving "durrrr" a full house and the $423k pot.
It's interesting to note that Dwan is now up over $4 million on Full Tilt Poker since the beginning of December. This comes after a horrific Jan 1/09 to Nov 30/09 stretch in which he lost nearly $7 million on the site.
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