Annette_15. In case you have been living under a rock somewhere, this is the Norwegian teenaged phenomenon that has been tearing up the online poker world. Not only is she a female player (which distinguishes her from most of the active online tournament poker players), but she is also extremely young in age (still a teenager.) According to Annette_15 herself, she has never deposited online, instead working her bankroll up from nothing playing freerolls and then running it up to a couple hundred thousand dollars, mostly through rebuy tournaments.
There is no question that Annette is an extremely talented player. However, when you ask the question of who is the best online tournament poker player, the answer gets a little more murky. Annette_15 has tremendous success to be sure, but she also plays a tremendous volume of tournaments per day. Her positive ROI (very positive) provides for a great return on a daily basis. You can find her in most of the higher level rebuys and freezeouts on Ultimatebet, Pokerstars and Full Tilt Poker on a daily basis.
However, if you had to bank on one player in a major online poker tournament, who would it be? It is hard to argue the success of players such as JohnnyBax and Scott Fischman (aka emptyseat88.) If you had to bet on one horse in an online poker tournament, could you honestly take Annette_15 over Scott Fischman? Annette_15 plays a great many more tournaments on a daily basis compared to Fischman, however, Fischman normally places high in any tournaments that he plays (as a matter of fact, he has a number of bigger scores in the last month, even with a lighter playing schedule.)
Annette is an ultra successful, ultra aggressive player. However, if you had to choose just one player to back in a major online tournament, who would it be?
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