Jonathan Duhamel Will Receive Replacement WSOP Main Event Bracelet on Monday
Published on 2012-07-09 03:21:00
The home invasion started when a man knocked on Duhamel's door early one morning. The man claimed to be delivering a package for Duhamel - the 2010 World Series of Poker champion had been expecting a delivery, so his guard was down.
Once Duhamel opened the door, the supposed delivery man and an accomplice forced themselves into Duhamel's home. The two men tied up Duhamel and physically assaulted him (Duhamel would later go to the hospital with injuries), and then proceeded to take money, a Rolex and Duhamel's World Series of Poker bracelet.
Police quickly closed in on the thieves and arrested a number of people, including Duhamel's ex-girlfriend Bianca Rojas-Latraverse. Police claimed that Duhamel's ex-girlfriend was the mastermind behind the crime.
A few months after the attack, Duhamel's bracelet was found by a street sweeper in Montreal. The bracelet was covered in mud and damaged - apparently somebody had tried to scratch off Duhamel's engraved name.
Earlier tonight, Seth Palansky (@WSOPRGUY on Twitter) said this:
"We will have 3 bracelet ceremonies Monday at 2:20. Zhukov, @JonathanDuhamel getting a new 2010 bracelet, + @MagicAntonio for Big One win"
Hopefully Duhamel will finally be able to put this whole unfortunate saga behind him when he gets his prized WSOP main event bracelet replaced on Monday afternoon.
Filed Under: World Series of Poker