Mixed Reaction Re: Prahlad Friedman's Deal with UB
Published on 2011-01-07 13:58:00Earlier in the week, Prahlad Friedman was officially named as the newest "Team UB" pro.
Some in the poker world have supported Friedman and his decision to sign with UB.com, while others (namely Daniel Negreanu) have been extremely vocal in their disagreement with Friedman's decision.
I thought that it would be interesting to do a Twitter search to find out what people are saying to Prahlad via his @prahladfriedman account regarding his deal with UB. Let's take a look:
@NoahSD - "FYI, the people that now run UB are the same people that tried to cover up the scandal."
@nes463 - "Dude, stop explaining urself. U made the right choice for u and urs which is all anyone needs to know. Peace and Congrats!"
@Kirban_Meyer - "Alot of people are giving @PrahladFriedman crap for signing with@UB My thing is, if you dont like it, then dont play there, simple as that"
@YorkyPuds - "Can't believe @prahladfriedman sold out. Someone I looked up to I now look down on. Scum"
@jinzerd - "say you care about us yet you encourage us to play on a shady site man f*** you you know you got no more respect n dontcare"
@JonFriedberg - "I used to rail @PrahladFriedman in total awe. Always had ton of respect for him and have even more now. Congrats to him and @UB!"
@brader311 - "@PrahladFriedman I downloaded @ub today because you jumped on! Congrats on the choice!"
@CasinMason - "@PrahladFriedman life is short my man. Do what feels good and is good and you'll sleep tight. Salutations."
@kajunkidpoker - "@PrahladFriedman Always liked your style. Best of luck with the new @UB deal. Let the haters hate, cause most are just jealous anyway."
@MattKeikoan - "congrats to @PrahladFriedman for signing w/ UB. He is the real deal, he taught me how to play nlhe; his style was copied & emulated by all"
@BaronVonMunch - "@PrahladFriedman @UB F*** UB. F*** you for signing with UB. classless.
@lgrodt - "If my bank stole from me I wouldnt do a commercial for them because they paid me back"
@BUSTERU86 - "@PrahladFriedman fuck what they say prahlad gotta do what is best 4 u and your family, u did nothin wrong no"
@kid_clean - "@PrahladFriedman never thought I'd see Prah signed with UB, they musta paid serious cash for that. Best of luck with the new endeavor!"
@Psx120 - "@PrahladFriedman You would have lost less respect from everyone if you had eaten a living cow live on ESPN."
@xBHOWEx - "@PrahladFriedman I dont play on ub anymore lost all respect for them but its your life I hope that they treat you right gl with it"
@DL_Mavrikakis - "@PrahladFriedman Forgot to congratulate you on your signing with UB. Hope it works out and helps bring them good PR and practices."
@AceGolfer01 - "Don't get defensive about you signing with UB. People are jealous...Congrats again"
@James_Compton - "@PrahladFriedman Well done for signing with a company who have stolen from players and havnt paid the money back."
@CMJ519 - "@PrahladFriedman of all the people to make an about face like this I probably trust you the most to do so with integrity"
@wwants - "Getting @UB to actually address the remaining details of the cheating and proof it's stopped would be great."
@kells859 - "@PrahladFriedman just got a UB account. If you can endorse the site it must be doing a lot of things right. Keep on winning"
@RealCrudefinder - "@PrahladFriedman @UB Yea, thats pretty much what Joe Sebok said too. You are whats known in my circles as a sellout. Enjoy"
@ya_tez - "@PrahladFriedman good to know prahlad..my buddies have been waiting for some changes to ub..much respect for your decision"
@lpsites - "@PrahladFriedman very sad sellout used to root for you"
@DJstuckIN215 - "@PrahladFriedman I'm sure you will fix ub just as much as sebock has..still waiting for those hh's from Joe and ub.oh,my bad their "gone".."
@wagerwars - "Does "Shut it down" count? RT @PrahladFriedman: If anyone has any comments/suggestions on ways of improving @UB lemme know."
@J_Fish237 - "I'm happy for u @PrahladFriedman get yours while u can I'm an avid poker player and can only hope to be signed one day"
@btp325 - "Congrats on the deal @PrahladFriedman...do some good things over there."
@sketchy1poker - "@prahladfriedman hater's always gunna hate, but they hate you because you're a sellout who signed with a company who stole from everyone."
@dirtydw - "@PrahladFriedman your a f***** idiot if you play at ub. Thats like me robbing your house and then you invite me to your bday party. douche."
@Jakutaman - "@PrahladFriedman Best of luck with UB. For you to trust them says a lot. I might go play there now."
@ITRIED2WARNU - "@PrahladFriedman I like you, but failboat."
Just a sampling of some of the reactions.. definitely a mixed reaction.
Filed Under: Miscellaneous Poker Articles