Liv Boeree Takes Down EPT San Remo For 1.25 Million EUR

Published on 2010-04-21 19:20:00

Beautiful Liv Boeree at the WSOP 2010Liv Boeree outlasted 1,239 other players to take down the 2010 EPT San Remo main event earlier today.

For her victory, Boeree will take home 1.25 million EUR (or about $1.7 million USD) and the distinction of being just one of three woman to ever win a European Poker Tour event.

Prior to her victory earlier today, Boeree's largest ever cash ($42,000) came in the Ladbrokes Poker European Ladies Championship in May of 2008.

Liv Boeree's path to victory wasn't an easy one, as she was the short stack during three-handed play. Boeree was in danger of being eliminated after committing the rest of her chips with pocket Eights against the Kh-Qd of Toni Pettersen in a all-in pre-flop confrontation. Boeree won the race, received a key double-up and went on to win the tournament.

Boeree started heads-up play with a 23.2 million to 14.1 million chip lead, but Jakob Carlsson was able to quickly even things up and then take the lead outright.

Boeree was able to swing the momentum back in her direction after winning a sizable pot with a 5-high straight. With the board reading 2c-Tc-As-5s, Carlsson check-called a 1.3 million bet from Boeree. The river brought the Js - Carlsson checked, Boeree bet 2.8 million and Carlsson made the call. Boeree showed 3h-4h for the five-high straight, while Carlsson showed Ac-8d for a pair of Aces.

Carlsson was never able to recover after that, and the end came a short time later.

Carlsson, down to just 8 million in chips, decided to make a stand holding Ah-6d and pushed all-in over the top of a pre-flop raise from Boeree. Boeree, holding pocket Fives, decided to make the call.

The board came Td-Ks-8h-7s-Jc - Boeree's pocket Fives had held up, and she was now the 2010 EPT San Remo main event champion.

Here is how the final table finished out:

1. Liv Boeree, 1.25 million EUR
2. Jakob Carlsson, 750k EUR
3. Toni Pettersson, 420k EUR
4. Michael Piper, 345k EUR
5. Alexey Rybin, 270k EUR
6. Giuseppe Diep, 210k EUR
7. Claudio Piceci, 150k EUR
8. Atanas Gueorguiev, 90k EUR

Congratulations to Liv Boeree on her impressive win, and congratulations to the European Poker Tour for hosting their biggest ever event (in terms of field size) on European soil.



Filed Under: Live Tournament Results

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