Believe it or not, the 2008 World Series of Poker is less than two months away.
It seems like just yesterday Jerry Yang was taking down the 2007 Main Event. On a sidenote, have there ever been two worse WSOP champions than Jerry Yang and Jamie Gold in terms of promoting the game? I don't think so.
Are you planning on playing the Main Event? If so, Full Tilt Poker, Ladbrokes, Pokerstars and Bodog all have daily satellite tournaments to the main event. Pokerstars is sending over a thousand players to this year's World Series of Poker. If you are planning on trying to qualify for the main event through a satellite then I would suggest that you get started immediately. You don't want to wait until the last week to qualify - give yourself some time. If you wait until the last second then you will be sweating bullets trying to qualify.
If you haven't booked your hotel room for the main event then I would do so immediately. Don't wait until the last minute, or else you will regret it.
If you are planning on playing any of the other preliminary events, then it is recommended that you pre-register. If you head over to this page you will find all of the forms and information that you need to pre-register. Pre-registration is open up to two weeks before the start of an event. You must submit your completed form and deposit to the Rio at least two weeks before the start of the event that you want to pre-register for. You must complete the registration process at the Rio by providing some sort of identification to receive your table and seat assignment.
If you are planning on staying in Vegas for the entirety of the World Series of Poker, then you should definitely be working to find a place right now. Figure out who you are planning on living with if you already haven't. Keep in mind that the real estate market is weak right now so you should be able to negotiate a decent price for a two month rental if you decide to rent a house with some of your friends. Make sure that any place that you rent has a decent Internet connection and is relatively close to the strip. You might think that all places have Internet connections as a default - this is not the case, especially in some of the lower-priced long-term rentals in the area. Try to room with people that you already know - living with someone that you know strictly as an online acquaintance can turn out to be a disaster; I've heard a few horror stories from the past few years. Nothing can ruin a summer faster than a bad room-mate.
If you are renting a house for the summer with a bunch of friends, you might want to consider hiring a personal chef and splitting the costs. This is a much healthier alternative and is not all that expensive compared to the costs of eating out every night. If you are planning on grinding it out for two months straight, then you need the proper nutrition.
If you live relatively close to Vegas then you should strongly consider driving instead of flying. If you are just coming out for the Main Event and staying in a hotel room then you probably won't need a car - however, if you are living in a house for the entirety of the event, then you should definitely consider bringing your own car.
If you are renting a house, don't cheap out. Try to find a house with a pool and a backyard in a decent area. You'll be glad you did. Don't think that your accommodations won't be important because you will be grinding it out in a casino all day - you will want to take days off.
The World Series of Poker is quickly approaching. Have you made your plans yet?
Filed Under: World Series of Poker