Pokerstars Launches First Mobile Poker Client

Published on 2011-11-23 23:10:00

Pokerstars on the mobile phone - iPhone - IllustrationAccording to, Pokerstars has officially launched their first mobile poker client.

The app is apparently available to Italian players in the Itunes store. The app costs nothing to download.

I haven't had a chance to look at the app as of yet, but apparently it will allow for real money and play money cash game, SNG and MTT play.

Pokerstars hasn't given any indication as of yet as to when new markets will be able to download the Pokerstars mobile client application.


Pokerstars has apparently been working on this mobile client for a couple of years now. It's coming just in time, as the surge in popularity of smart phones and tablets has changed the way in which many people are spending their time online.

The widespread introduction of this mobile app from Pokerstars will just put more distance between them and their closet rivals.



Filed Under: Poker Room News

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