Tom Dwan Continues To Tear Up Full Tilt Poker
Published on 2010-04-24 04:04:00
From January 1st 2009 to November 30th 2009, Tom Dwan suffered such a beat down on Full Tilt Poker that many wondered if his days of online cash game dominance were coming to an end. After all, "durrrr" lost nearly $7 million on Full Tilt in the first 11 months of 2009 - just how deep was his bankroll? Would he be able to turn things around, or was this particular downswing just too much to overcome?
In order to get back on track, "durrrr" temporarily dropped down to $25/$50 and started grinding. The results came quickly, as Dwan was able to bank nearly $2.5 million in total profits in December over a total of 34,674 hands.
Dwan's upswing poured over into the new year as he continued to put in heavy volume on Full Tilt. After a slight downtick in January, "durrrr" turned it on in February, banking a total of $1 million over 49,742 tracked hands.
March and April have also been kind to Dwan, and as it stands right now, he has a total profit of $6.7 million in 2010 through April 23rd (according to To illustrate just how hot Dwan has been - his $6.7 million in profits in 2010 is more than the next four most profitable players combined ("PostFlopAction", "Urindanger", "theASHMAN103" and "NEKOTYAN").
Since the beginning of December, Dwan's results are even more ridiculous on Full Tilt Poker. From Dec 1/09 to April 23/10, Dwan has made a total of $9.15 million over a total of 188,399 tracked hands. "durrrr", after seemingly being on the ropes in late November, has rallied to make nearly $10 million in less than five months (and that doesn't include any live appearances). That's a pretty incredible accomplishment.
There is no telling where Dwan's bankroll goes from here, but one thing is certain - his upswing over the past five months has already reached legendary status.
Filed Under: Cash Game Results