"Rush Poker" Invades Full Tilt Poker
Published on 2010-01-19 21:13:00
"Rush Poker" will appeal to anyone who doesn't like to sit around while hands that they are not involved in are being played out.
"Rush Poker" will also appeal to people who aren't interested in making reads on other players at the table - they just want to play.
In "Rush Poker", you are added to a very large pool of players.
Each time you fold a hand, you are moved to an entirely new table with entirely new players.
The big blind is "assigned to the player who has gone the longest without posting it". Other than that, as far as I am aware, all of the other positions at the table are determined randomly.
There is a "Quick Fold" button - click that and you will be IMMEDIATELY moved to another table, even before it's your turn to fold. So, if you are dealt 2-8 offsuit in late position, you can just immediately fold and get moved to another table - you don't have to wait for the players in front of you to act before you fold.
You can expect to play about 250-275 hands per hour per "seat". You can claim multiple seats - for instance, if you have four seats, then you would be dealt four times as many hands. This would mean that you would very likely be playing over 1,000 hands per hour. A player can claim up to 8 seats at one time.
There are six-handed and nine-handed tables. As of right now, the tables range from $0.05/$0.10 to $0.50/$1.00. No word yet as to whether or not Full Tilt Poker will be introducing higher limits or different games (PLO might be fun).
According to Poker News Daily, Full Tilt Poker has "applied for a patent on this variation of online poker", so I wouldn't hold your breath that other sites (such as Pokerstars) will offer something similar.
It will be interesting to see whether or not "Rush Poker" takes off on Full Tilt Poker.
Filed Under: Poker Room News