Hansen, Antonius End January On Top

Published on 2009-02-01 17:26:47

poker king and full tilt poker logoAfter a slow start to the month, the high-stakes cash games on Full Tilt Poker ended with a bang.

Five players ended up with profits of over a million dollars, while six incredibly successful online cash game players ended up in the red.

Thanks to a $500k+ profit on January 31st, Gus Hansen finished January with a total profit of $2.79 million dollars. Gus is an extremely high-variance player who ran red-hot in January - it will be interesting to see how he does in February.

Patrik Antonius also ran very well in January, making a total of $2.62 million dollars over just 12,748 tracked hands. That works out to an average profit of $206.13 for every hand that he played in January - not a bad month at all.

Hac "trex313" Dang made nearly $1.5 million dollars in January. Hac, along with his brother Di "Urindanger" Dang, are two of the most consistently profitable high-stakes cash game players on the site.

The other two players who managed to top a million dollars in profit in January were: J.C. "OnTheRize" Tran (+$1.4 million) and Ilari "Ziigmund" Sahamies (+$1.27 million dollars).

Tom "durrrr" Dwan turned in an absolutely disastrous month in January, dropping a total of $3.25 million dollars over 29,775 tracked hands. The good news for Dwan - February seems to be off to a much better start, as he took over $500k from Gus Hansen early Sunday morning.

Phil Ivey was next on the list with a total loss of nearly a million dollars (-973k). Ivey doesn't find himself in the red very often, so I wouldn't get too used to seeing him here.

Di "Urindanger" Dang (-840k), Sami "LarsLuzak" Kelopuro (-825k) and David "MR B 2 U SON" Benyamine (-682k) rounded out the list of the top five biggest losers in January. Phil "OMGClayAiken" Galfond also had an off month in January, losing a total of $627k.

It's interesting to note that the top four most profitable players on Full Tilt Poker in 2008 (Phil Ivey, Phil Galfond, Tom Dwan and Di Dang) all lost money in January.

Source: HighStakesDB.com


Filed Under: Cash Game Results

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