We just wanted to take a minute and thank all of our readers on this summer long weekend.
Poker King Blog had a fairly big month in August, hosting more than 15,000 unique visitors from all over the world. These 15,000 unique visitors added up to over 48,000 page views for the site, which are both records.
We'd like to thank everyone that ever links to one of our articles, whether you loved the article or hated it. You all contribute to making this a stronger site, and we thank you for it.
We strive to create unique and interesting content that will appeal to readers all over the world.
All told, throughout our entire gambling network (including Poker-King.com) and others, we hosted over 48,000 unique visitors in August and a total of 150,000 page views. For a small gambling network that hardly spends a dime on advertising, this isn't bad.
Thanks to all of our writers and designers who contribute to the network.
Again, thanks for taking the time to read our sites.
The King
Filed Under: King Updates