If you have been following along with this story, you know that William Gustafik was found stabbed to death in his Panorama Towers apartment building. You know that his wife, Jill Rockcastle, was the prime suspect in the case, and that she was found in San Luis Obispo unconscious after an unsuccessful suicide attempt.

Rockcastle also details the fateful night where she stabbed her husband. In her account, she states that she was fearful for her life and acted in self-defense, as she thought that her husband was going to kill her. After killing her husband, she decided to take her own life by filling her bowl of oatmeal with drugs. She was unable to stomach the foul-tasting mixture though, and instead decided to flee to California.
By Rockcastle's account, Gustafik was losing $70,000 a month playing poker. If we can believe Rockcastle's version of the events, then this should be the ultimate cautionary tale of getting in over your head playing poker.
Filed Under: Random Poker News