US Attorney Preet Bharara Confirms Absolute Poker Deal

Published on 2011-05-12 02:04:00

Absolute Poker logoUS Attorney Preet Bharara confirmed on Wednesday that an agreement had been struck between the US government and Absolute Poker.

According to Bharara, "Absolute Poker of Costa Rica agreed to return funds owed to U.S. customers and prohibit deposits of American players."

In their Tuesday press release, Absolute Poker said that the agreement with US authorities is an "important step to returning US player funds", but that there are "several legal issues that must be navigated before funds can be paid out to US players."

Full Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker have not yet started paying out the balances of their US players, while Pokerstars allowed their US customers to start cashing out in late April. Both Full Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker have not given their US customers any indication as to when US players might start being able to cash out their balances.

According to Bloomberg, the agreement between Absolute Poker and the United States "expressly allows for" for players outside of the United States to play for real money.

An interesting note is that Absolute Poker has not requested the return of, or Pokerstars and Full Tilt Poker were both allowed use of their domains as part of their deals with the US government.

Source: - Absolute Poker Agrees to Return Funds to Players Following U.S. Shutdown


Filed Under: Poker Room News

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